When churches compete, we become a business...
I still remember why I went into the ministry. It seems like it was just yesterday.
I had hopes and dreams as I looked ahead to the life I was choosing. I dreamt of making money...a lot of money! I couldn't wait for the thrill of crushing the competition, that exhilaration of getting to the top no matter the cost. I couldn't wait to carry a briefcase, wear a tie and part my hair to the side.
I knew one day I'd get to study reports with epic bar graphs. I'd get to hire guys named Bill or Larry or Fred who all went to the right colleges. And the idea of an afternoon playing golf was almost too much to imagine.
Sure, I assumed I'd have to step on colleagues. I figured I'd have to steal ideas. I accepted that I'd have to lie and spy and protect secrets, but that's what ministry is all about, right?
Oh, wait...sorry...that's not ministry, that's business.
I guess it's easy to confuse the two because they are beginning to look so much alike. When churches become competitors, we act as rivals trying to reach the same target demographic and, believe me, it can be cut-throat. I've seen churches steal ideas, undercut each other, start smear campaigns. I've seen it all and I have no stomach for it.
To be truthful, I actually do still remember why I went into full-time ministry. I bought into the idea of living a life committed to something greater than myself. I believed that Jesus was the only hope for a world sinking in hopelessness. I believed that faith and worship and community could break down walls built by fear and hardened by hatred. I believed that I was joining a fraternity of heroes who had committed to lay down their lives for the One who laid down His first.
I know it sounds stupid and silly and naive. But don't tell me it's impossible, because I still dream these same dreams.
I understand that there are business aspects and practices in running a church, but I refuse to incorporate these practices against other churches. Will I compete? Yes. I'll compete against the devil in the ancient battle for the souls of men. I'll compete side by side with my brothers, but not against them.
Maybe if we fight together instead of apart, maybe if we fight back-to-back instead of face-to-face, maybe if we turn on our enemy instead of turning on each other, maybe then we will all see some of these stupid, silly, naive dreams come true.
(originally posted on February 15, 2009)